Business & Marketing Planning Training


Why should you follow this training programme?

The training provides a good general understanding of both strategic and tactical marketing and its processes, and consequently the ability to also know what to demand from it.


Training dates:

Date and venue to be agreed between Sephia and customer (1 month’s notice required)

Target Audience:

New and existing managers and senior specialists, with identified potential.

Content Day 1:

  • Marketing and marketing management
  • Brands and brand management (positioning)
  • Living in an era of digital disruption
  • The 5-step marketing planning process
  • The 5-step marketing mix

Content Day 2:

Situation analysis and tools (STEEP/SWOT) - Objectives & Goals and tools (SWOT/SMART)

Content Day 3:

  • Strategy & Market, marketing and brand strategy

  • Tactics and marketing tactics

  • Follow-up and evaluation analysis -

  • Wrap-up and summary of “The Plan”

End Product:

A template for a complete Marketing Plan, which has been partially completed with real content during the training programme. All parts have been put into practice, but need to be completed and expanded after the training programme, preferably together with the participant’s own management team back home.


All participants who complete the training programme (all days + approved draft) will be awarded a Sephia Diploma, signed by the Programme Leader.

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Business & Marketing Planning Training

A 3-day intensive training programme which covers: 

  • Basic marketing overview

  • Tools and methodologies

  • A template for a complete business/marketing plan

Note: Participants work with real data/input from their own business. At the end of the training you will have a plan ready for execution. (See detailed content below). 
Investment: €24,000 based on a group size of 9-12 participants and 2 trainers. For different group sizes please contact Sephia. Price excludes travel and accommodation costs. Course material in the form of PDF files and 3 lunches are included. Own laptop required.


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Interested in Business & Marketing Planning Training?

Our Training Philosophy

We recognise that most companies have heterogeneous workforces, where academically well-educated staff are mixed with very experienced self-made long-timers, who have successfully worked their way up to the very top. We also believe in the four different learning-styles, where we all, as individuals, are plotted along the parameters of individualistic vs. team player, and extrovert vs. introvert.

Or in simple words, some people perform at their best when they are allowed to sit by themselves, and listen and observe. Others benefit from working in groups and like to verbally share their knowledge and bounce their ideas off colleagues. Some are more reflective and quiet, and others are more spontaneous and expressive.

Therefore we make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes! Do you want to work undisturbed? We will find a quiet corner for you. Do you want attention and active participation and coaching? We will provide that for you. Do you need to read content by yourself to really get it? No problem, we’ll give you the space. Do you want us to present the content and listen intensively? That’s fine with us too!

While we transfer knowledge to you and provide work-sheets and templates, we make sure that you put your new knowledge into practise during the programme, and receive immediate feedback. In that way we turn knowledge into know-how.

We make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes.

Our partners have worked with:

IKEA, BOSCH, Coca-Cola, SONY, Kraft, Dairy Farm, BMW, Walt Disney, Kimberly-Clark, Unilever, Novo Nordisk, ING, NCC, Danske Spil, Skånetrafiken, MasterCard.