Online/Offline Store Operations Training


Why should you follow this training programme?

The training provides a complete and full understanding of how to run successful Store Operations (online/offline) in a rapidly developing world, regardless if it’s on-line or off-line.



Each Day of the Training will include a mix of Lectures/Presentations/ Workshops/Group Exercises/Breaks and one delicious Lunch. Between and after the sessions each participant will receive Homework, estimated to require 1-2 days work. After last day and the Graduation Ceremony, an optional End-of-Training-Dinner can be arranged at an additional cost.


Layout for 3 days Workshop + 1 to 2 days Homework + 3 days Workshop + 1 to 2 days final Homework:


Training dates:

Dates and venues are to be agreed between Sephia and You .

Target Audience:

All Managers and Senior Staff who are involved in running and taking decisions linked to successful Store Operations, On-Line and Off-Line.

Content Day 1:

  • The Brand

  • An Outside-In Mindset

  • The Customer Journey (From “Heard About” to “Post Purchase Feelings”)

  • All points of Contacts / An Omni-channel Environment

  • Living through an era of Digital Disruption

  • The AGILE-way of Working including Introduction Exercise

Content Day 2:

  • Pre-visit (On-Line/Off-Line)

  • First Impression (On-Line/Off-Line)

  • Inspiration > Navigation > Information

  • Customer Journey Diagram & Analysis (facts vs. guesses)

  • Peaks & Dips / USP’s / Strategies / Action Plan

  • AGILE-Workshop on Peaks & Dips

Content Day 3:

  • Buying & Selling Process

  • Selling > Selling-up

  • AGILE-Workshop on Selling-up

  • Mechanical Sales System / Marketing Mix

  • Personal Sales System / Marketing Mix

  • Convincing > Closing the deal

HOMEWORK (between Day 3 and day 4):

  1. Identify and describe Digital Opportunities & Changed Consumer Behavior throughout the entire Customer Experience?

  2. Writing the first Draft on an own Store Operation Plan (by each participant).

Content Day 4:

  • Introduction to Store Environment / Total Service Offer (On-Line/Off-Line)

  • Digital Opportunities / Customer Experience (Presenting Homework)

  • Group Feedback & Sharing of Ideas based on all Participants’ Homework

  • AGILE-Workshop on Top-3 Ideas (From Good to Great)

Content Day 5:

  • Finding/Picking Process (On-Line/Off-Line)

  • Queuing/Paying (On-Line/Off-Line)

  • Exit Area / Customer Services

  • Checking-out / Getting home/delivery / Post-Purchase-feelings

  • AGILE-Workshop on Draft 2 of Store Operation Plan for each participant

Content Day 6:

  • Presentation of Store Operational Plans (10 min/participant)

  • Challenging & Defending of Store Operational Plans (5 min/participant)

  • Case Study of a Successful Store Operation

  • Graduation Ceremony and Diploma

  • End-of-Training-Dinner (optional)

HOMEWORK (after Day 6 and under own management):

Complete the Final Draft on own Store Operation Plan together with your local management, and get it approved by relevant Manager.

End Product:

A sharp Store Operation Plan by each participant, which has been developed and completed during the training programme, considering each plan’s specific needs and coached, challenged, supported, opposed on, and defended by Participants, Training Peers and Trainers.


All participants who have completed the training programme (all days + approved 2nd Draft of Store Operations Plan) will be awarded a Sephia Diploma, signed by the Programme Leader/Leaders.


Store Operations Training (online/offline)

A 6-day training programme which can take place over a period of 1-2 months in two 3-day sessions, plus approximately 1-2 days homework after each session (8 - 10 days in total).

The structure of the training set-up, is to combine theory and practise in a good mix, where the participants have the opportunity to test their acquired knowledge and turn it into know-how by performing certain tasks in their real job-situation, in-between and after the sessions. Also the theory parts are a mix of reading/listening/lectures and fast, short Agile Workshops to keep the energy level high throughout the training.

Note: At the end of the training you will have a sharp Store Operation Plan ready for execution.
Who is the training for: All Managers and Senior Staff who are involved in running and taking decisions linked to successful Store Operations, On-Line and Off-Line.
Investment: For different group sizes or format, please contact Sephia. Prices exclude travel and accommodation costs, meeting venue and the optional End-of-Training-Dinner at the end of last session’s day. Course material in the form of PDF files is included. Own laptop required.



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What’s the investment?


Training of your own staff must never be considered as a “cost”, but rather as the strategic investment it really is. How do you intend to compete in a rapidly changing environment, without offering differentiating knowledge and superior value for money?


CFO to the CEO: “What if we invest money in training our staff, and then they leave?”
CEO to the CFO: “What if we don’t and they stay?”

This is a newly developed and modern training, considering running successful retailing businesses in an era of Digital Disruption and changed Consumer Behaviour. Whether you are operating traditional, physical stores, e-commerce and on-line shopping, or an Omnichannel/combination of both, doesn’t matter. This training will challenge you through the latest findings and experiences from all over the world and various best practises. Legendary and successful Store Managers with international experience of 30 – 40 years have been contributing with their unique knowledge in the development of this training, as have pioneers within digital shopping experiences and e-commerce solutions.

You will also be introduced to and have the opportunity to practise how to work more efficiently through so called “Agile Processes”, meaning that we will run multiple tasks in parallel, optimise teamwork, learning the art of delegating and trusting each other, plus getting used to work much faster, in shorter so called “sprints”, with much closer deadlines and quicker feedback sessions.

This is a newly developed and modern training, considering running successful retailing businesses in an era of Digital Disruption and changed Consumer Behaviour.

Successful Retailing in 2019 and the years to come, demands a new balance between traditional experience and know-how on one hand, and brave openness, faster decisions and eagerness to test new things on the other. Digital Disruption is not so much about e-commerce and on-line shopping, as much as a new ball game throughout your entire Marketing Mix. Your competitors are suddenly located worldwide, with offers like free deliveries within 1 - 14 days, lowest price guarantee and a width and depth of a Product Offer second to none. Digital Disruption happens in all parts of your business. Product and Innovation, Price, Place, Promotion, People and also logistical processes, planning etc.

“Everything has changed – And Nothing has changed” :) Everything in the sense that all aspects of business and Store Operations as such, including collection and learning from BIG DATA, do change almost all parts of your business. Nothing in the sense that successful retailing still constitutes of the unique combination of intimate understanding of the market’s dreams and needs, as well as the most superior way of presenting solutions for those, at an irresistible valuefor- money experience. This goes for both On-line and Off-line Retailing.

The training enforces that a Customer Experience starts way before customers might be entering your Website, Shopping App. or your Store. And that it doesn’t stop when they have bought your product and got it delivered. Your product might still appear in your Customer’s life, months and years after it was purchased, and its performance and presence then will still be a part of that Customer Experience. Will your product still build the Brand by then in a proper way, or does it run the risk of eroding the Brand?

Reflection: A bad product/experience that was sold out in thousands might run the risk of becoming your worst Brand-enemy for decades.

  • This new Store Operations Training will cover the entire Customer Experience, from the point of all possible Brand Contacts, to the sometimes long stretching Post PurchaseFeelings by the customers.

  • It will share and demonstrate various tools and methodologies, as well as experiences and know-how gathered by some of the most successful retailers in the world.

  • It will suggest the importance and wise dimensions of collecting so called BIG DATA in clever ways, to gain a superior and intimate understanding of the market and its inhabitants, in order to improve your offer and your Store Operations.

  • It will challenge your entire Marketing Mix, from the perspective of Digital Disruption and advanced new technologies (AR/VR/ML/AI/Nano/3D-Printing etc.)

  • It will introduce and teach you how to work more efficiently and fast, through an AGILEProcess, and tease you to investigate and apply that throughout your Store Operations. Making the best of a Team and everyone’s special skills.

  • It will challenge existing, and perhaps even invent new kind of more relevant, KPI’s?

  • This Training will allow you to implement and practise your learning in your own sharp business situation, including an estimated 1-2 days homework session in-between and after each session.

  • Sephia can adapt to local needs, and put extra focus on a certain area of Store Operations, if such has been identified and defined properly, at least 1 month in advance of the training.

Interested in Store Operations Training?

Our Training Philosophy

We recognise that most companies have heterogeneous workforces, where academically well-educated staff are mixed with very experienced self-made long-timers, who have successfully worked their way up to the very top. We also believe in the four different learning-styles, where we all, as individuals, are plotted along the parameters of individualistic vs. team player, and extrovert vs. introvert.

Or in simple words, some people perform at their best when they are allowed to sit by themselves, and listen and observe. Others benefit from working in groups and like to verbally share their knowledge and bounce their ideas off colleagues. Some are more reflective and quiet, and others are more spontaneous and expressive.

Therefore we make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes! Do you want to work undisturbed? We will find a quiet corner for you. Do you want attention and active participation and coaching? We will provide that for you. Do you need to read content by yourself to really get it? No problem, we’ll give you the space. Do you want us to present the content and listen intensively? That’s fine with us too!

While we transfer knowledge to you and provide work-sheets and templates, we make sure that you put your new knowledge into practise during the programme, and receive immediate feedback. In that way we turn knowledge into know-how.

We make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes.

Our partners have worked with:

IKEA, BOSCH, Coca-Cola, SONY, Kraft, Dairy Farm, BMW, Walt Disney, Kimberly-Clark, Unilever, Novo Nordisk, ING, NCC, Danske Spil, Skånetrafiken, MasterCard.