Co-worker Training

Training Programme - The Sephia Group Services.jpg

Store Operations Training (online/offline)

A 6-day training programme which can take place over a period of 1-2 months in two 3-day sessions, plus approximately 1-2 days homework after each session (8 - 10 days in total).

The structure of the training set-up, is to combine theory and practise in a good mix, where the participants have the opportunity to test their acquired knowledge and turn it into know-how by performing certain tasks in their real job-situation, in-between and after the sessions. Also the theory parts are a mix of reading/listening/lectures and fast, short Agile Workshops to keep the energy level high throughout the training.

Note: At the end of the training you will have a sharp Store Operation Plan ready for execution.
Investment: For different group sizes or format, please contact Sephia. Prices exclude travel and accommodation costs, meeting venue and the optional End-of-Training-Dinner at the end of last session’s day. Course material in the form of PDF files is included. Own laptop required.


Business & Marketing Planning Training

Business & Marketing Planning Training

A 3-day intensive training programme which covers:

- Basic marketing overview
- Tools and methodologies
- A template for a complete business/marketing plan

Note: Participants work with real data/input from their own business. At the end of the training you will have a plan ready for execution. (See detailed content below).
Investment: €24,000 based on a group size of 9-12 participants and 2 trainers. For different group sizes please contact Sephia. Price excludes travel and accommodation costs. Course material in the form of PDF files and 3 lunches are included. Own laptop required.


Business Planning Training for Senior Executives

Business Planning Training for Senior Executives

A 9-day training programme which takes place over a period of three months in three 3-day sessions, plus approximately 2 days homework. Starting with vision/mission/business idea, processes, tools and methodologies the training then moves to situation analysis, objectives and goals, strategies and tactics, finishing with follow-up and analysis. Introduction to and creation of templates for a complete Business Plan including long and short term KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Note: With what you learn you will be able to work on your own to create a real Business Plan, to fulfill your job description! (See detailed content and timing below)
Investment: €7,800 per participant (based on a group size of 8-12 participants and 2 trainers). For different group sizes please contact Sephia. Price excludes travel and accommodation costs and the optional end of training dinner. Course material in the form of PDF files is included. Own laptop required.


Business Planning Hints & Tips


Sephia Group partners all have more than 25 years’ experience as specialists, managers, coaches and teachers, and have trained more than one thousand executives from dozens of multinational companies as well as small family businesses. We know that all professional training sessions must simultaneously fit around the running of a business, and deliver added value fast.


Sephia subsequently offers its training programmes in two formats:

  1. An open event, at least twice a year, for any company to send as many participants as needed, on fixed dates and locations.

  2. A tailor-made event exclusively for one company with a minimum of 20 participants. The company chooses the dates for the programme, and parts of the content can be adapted to go deeper into company specific content, such as Brand DNA, values, corporate culture etc.


Our Training Philosophy

We recognise that most companies have heterogeneous workforces, where academically well-educated staff are mixed with very experienced self-made long-timers, who have successfully worked their way up to the very top. We also believe in the four different learning-styles, where we all, as individuals, are plotted along the parameters of individualistic vs. team player, and extrovert vs. introvert.

Or in simple words, some people perform at their best when they are allowed to sit by themselves, and listen and observe. Others benefit from working in groups and like to verbally share their knowledge and bounce their ideas off colleagues. Some are more reflective and quiet, and others are more spontaneous and expressive.

Therefore we make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes! Do you want to work undisturbed? We will find a quiet corner for you. Do you want attention and active participation and coaching? We will provide that for you. Do you need to read content by yourself to really get it? No problem, we’ll give you the space. Do you want us to present the content and listen intensively? That’s fine with us too!

While we transfer knowledge to you and provide work-sheets and templates, we make sure that you put your new knowledge into practise during the programme, and receive immediate feedback. In that way we turn knowledge into know-how.

We make sure that we provide the right tools and support so that everyone feels comfortable in our training programmes.

Our partners have worked with:

IKEA, BOSCH, Coca-Cola, SONY, Kraft, Dairy Farm, BMW, Walt Disney, Kimberly-Clark, Unilever, Novo Nordisk, ING, NCC, Danske Spil, Skånetrafiken, MasterCard.