Consumer confidence in Denmark
Consumer confidence and Labour market expectation
in Denmark
Publication by Hans Bay
120 Words | 40 sec
The Sephia Group is now launching Sephia Survey, a new, fast and cost efficient way to measure sentiments in the European countries. Since the summer we have measured consumer confidence and consumers’ expectations on unemployment change in the upcoming 12 months. The Sephia Group finds a high correlation between these two indexes. Both indexes take a big jump from November to December in Denmark. The Sephia Group finds that the increase may be driven by a combination of positive indicators such as confirmation of the national state budget while the effect of Brexit may still be very abstract in the Danish population.
Analysts expect that 2018 could be the best year in the labor market in Denmark for more than a decade.
Hans Bay
Being a statistician crunching numbers and the ability to handle vast amounts of date is part of Hans’ DNA but his real talent is to see beyond the numbers and understand what really motivates people. Behind every number in the world of consumer business there is a human action being taken. If we understand what motivates each action we are able to take better decisions.